16 April, 2024

Commitment to adaptation in the middle segment: subsidies through NextGeneration Funds in La Rioja,

The Autonomous Communities of the middle stretch of the Ebro, members of the Ebro Resilience Strategy and partners of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project have launched lines of aid for private individuals and local entities, aimed at protection and adaptation to flood risk included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the example being the publication of aid from the Government of La Rioja on April 12.
12 April, 2024

LIFE Ebro Resilience P1: hosts basin organizations from all over Spain to discuss adaptation and public participation

Up to 40 technical colleagues from state and regional river basin organizations have learned first-hand about the Project's ongoing actions and its pioneering proposal for social participation, during the conferences held on April 10 and 11.
21 March, 2024

The relief channel in the meander of La Roza: a riparian corridor with more continuity and diversity for habitats.

The restoration of vegetation that is being carried out with vegetation typical of the Ebro riverbank in this channel, created during the morphological adaptation, gives us the excuse to talk about this type of intervention.
13 March, 2024

Ebro Resilience Interventions: a review in images of the last flooding of the river

The last week of February has seen a flood of flows in the middle stretch of the Ebro due to the rains recorded in the Ebro basin, an episode at the limit of what is considered extraordinary that leaves us these images of the response of the Ebro Resilience intervention typologies in this stretch
29 February, 2024

Ideas and proposals from the territory: LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 opens new avenues of participation on the use of land in El Señorío

The Project organizes an open forum on future uses in this meander that will recover its function as a natural space, a public activity that was also carried out to gather proposals in the meander of La Roza, in Alfaro.
20 February, 2024

Installing the new pipeline that adapts the irrigation system in Fuentes de Ebro to the risk of flooding.

The laying of the new concrete pipe, with a total length of 2,300 meters in this phase, which moves this infrastructure away from the riverbed in the Huerta del Ebro Irrigation Community, is in progress.
2 February, 2024

Wetlands in the Ebro Resilience territory: La Nava and La Roza, Alfaro (la Rioja)

In 2023, the meando de La Roza has inaugurated a new wetland area integrated in the morphological adaptation carried out through the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project, in addition to the one created in 2020 in La Nava as part of the actions of the Ebro Resilience Strategy.
30 January, 2024

Provisional irrigation systems enabled during the work to adapt the Ebro Orchard Community system to floods

The scarcity of winter rains has allowed progress to be made on the work, but unfortunately it is detrimental to crops. For this reason, temporary irrigation has been set up in the fields surrounding the works to save crops, in agreement with the irrigation community and in keeping with the Project's spirit of participation and cooperation.