A herbaceous cover crop, alfalfa, will be planted next winter, which will prevent tree growth and maintain the water path, reducing the need for human intervention.
The LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project invited all the members of the participation spaces to visit the intervention area to recover the functionality of the meander with the reopening of the water paths that were typical of the Ebro.
River restoration projects approved for sections 7 Alcalá de Ebro, Remolinos and Luceni and 9 Torres de Berrellén and Sobradiel. The Official Gazette of Aragon has announced the approval of the projects of “River restoration and habitat improvement in sections […]
In the meander that has been recovered as a river space, a process has been developed to decide with the territory and different interested sectors the future uses of the area, proposals that are already becoming a reality.
LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 starts field sessions for owners and tenants of plots of land to be integrated in the future Lateral Flow Buffer Zones, an innovative intervention to adapt agricultural land to the Ebro floods.
The LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project organized a conference, mainly aimed at stakeholders of the Irrigation Community of La Huerta del Ebro, to inform about the measures proposed to reduce damage in extraordinary floods and that have European funding and the state and regional administrations.
The European Commission has invited the project to participate in its annual Green Week in Brussels, specifically in the session dedicated to the restoration and protection of the water cycle.