The Ebro Resilience Strategy launches the bidding process for four consulting contracts for the drafting of the construction projects of sections 3A, 3B, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12B, 15 and 16.
The Ebro Resilience Strategy is developing a series of interventions in the Ebro River consisting of the application of combinations of different measures aimed at improving flood risk management, morphological recovery of the riverbed and fluvial restoration in different sections of the river.
The measures contemplated include the improvement, removal or relocation of existing defenses; creation of relief channels; recovery of lost river branches; establishment of safety perimeters for urban centers; expansion of river space; development of flood areas; recovery of riparian forests and elimination of exotic species, among others.
In order to achieve the proposed objectives, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, through its public enterprise TRAGSAhas published the bidding of four consulting contracts for the drafting of the construction projects for the sections 3A, 3B, 4, 5, 6, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12B, 15 and 16. This procedure is performed under the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) financed by the European Union – NextGeneration (EU).
Those interested in participating in the tender maysubmit their bids until 2:00 p.m. on April 18, in the manner indicated in the announcement published in the TRAGSA company’s contracting profile.
The total budget for the tender is 530,900.81 € and the projects must be drafted within 12 months of the award. In order to achieve the planned objectives within the deadline, the tender has been divided into four lots:
Lot 1
- Section 8. Ebro in Cabañas de Ebro
- Section 16. Ebro in Villafranca de Ebro and Fuentes de Ebro
- Section 12B. Ebro at Pina de Ebro and Quinto
Lot 2
- Section 4. Ebro from Fontellas to Novillas
- Section 5. Huecha in Mallén, Cortes and Novillas
- Section 6. Ebro in Pradilla de Ebro and Boquiñeni
Lot 3
- Section 10. Ebro in Utebo, Alfocea, Monzalbarba and Zaragoza
- Section 11. Ebro in Zaragoza and Pastriz
- Section 15. Ebro in Gelsa and La Zaida
Lot 4
- Section 3A. Ebro and Ega in San Adrián and Calahorra
- Section 3B. Ebro in Calahorra and Azagra
The mission of the successful bidders will be to draw up the construction projects that will be used for the execution of the measures contemplated in each of the above-mentioned sections. The management of the contracts will be carried out by the Confederation. Confederation Hydrographic Confederation Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro in collaboration with the other administrations that form part of the Strategy, the Governments of La Rioja, Navarre and Aragon.
It should be noted that, prior to the drafting of the construction projects, the corresponding days of public exhibition and participation of the population will be held in those sections where they have not yet been carried out.
Strategy Progress
Strategy Progress
With this tender, 17 of the 19 sections of the Ebro Resilience Strategy will be put into operation. For this purpose, it should be recalled that sections 0 Ebro at Milagro and Alfaro; 12A Ebro at Osera de Ebro and Fuentes de Ebro and 13 Ebro between Castejón and Tudela, are in different phases of execution at this moment by the Government of La Rioja, the Ebro River Basin Authority and the Government of Navarra through its public company GAN-NIK.
Sections 7 Ebro in Alcalá de Ebro and Remolinos; 9 Ebro in Torres de Berrellén and Sobradiel and 14 Ebro in El Burgo de Ebro, are at the project drafting stage. 7 and 9 by the Government of Aragon and on the 14th by the Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro.
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