
The project is structured in the following actions:



A1 Permits, licenses & previous procedures Permits & licenses request, environmental processing, tender procedures launch

  • A.1.1 Project Management Committee Formation
  • A1.2. Additional staff recruitment
  • A1.3. Drafting of construction projects
  • A1.4 Permits and Licenses
  • A1.5 Environmental Evaluation
  • A1.6 Land disposal

A2 Participation & Strengthening social capacities plans for local & regional actors Specific to each intervention area and group vulnerability, to involve local (authorities, farmers, stockbreeders, general public) & regional (irrigators, farmers associations, environmentalists) actors & train in resilience to flood phenomenon

  • A2.1. Public engagement plan
  • A2.2. Plan for strengthening social capacities


B1 Combined actions on NWRM: Several meanders between Alfaro (La Rioja) and Castejón (Navarre) will be reconnected with the flow,restoring the river habitats. Aim: perform combined actions of natural water retention measures (NWRM) following the series N7+[N11+N3+N4]+N7+[N11+N3+N4]+N7 of NWRM catalogue. Included in two Natura 2000 spaces (ZEC ES2300006, ZEC ES2200040)

  • B1.1 Levee Removal In cultivated meanders (NWRM-N11)
  • B1.2 Construction of new setback protection Where current defence is removed (NWRM-N3)
  • B1.3 Construction of relief channels Lowering of land in the form of a up-stream flow to increase the permeability to flooding of the meander and facilitate the colonization by indigenous species of interest (NWRM-N3)
  • B1.4 Re-meandering By removing existing crops and introducing river habitats of interest, especially for protected species as European mink (NWRM-N4)
  • B1.5 Reconnection of oxbow lakes (curage technique) With the current riverbed, in the uncultivated meanders (NWRM-N7)

B2 Increasing resilience of the floodplain: in areas with greater harmful effects due to the channelization, river restoration measures imply high socio-economic costs for riverside population. Aim: adaptation measures to the effects of floods, increasing resilience. A section of Ebro in Aragon region selected (LIC ES2430081)

  • B2.1 Elimination of protection: in narrower areas of riverbed (NWRM-N11)
  • B2.2 Construction of new setback protection
  • B2.3 Buffer zones for lateral flows: the agricultural area in the floodplain suffers from overflows and severe dam effect that prevents overflowing waters from returning to the riverbed. Compartmentalize and pre-flood these areas that minimize damage to land and infrastructure
  • B2.3.1 Adaptation of the perimeter of the buffer zone: levelling, reinforcements & recesses to produce sequential flooding and from the areas provided in the prepared compartments
  • B2.3.2 Adaptation of the irrigation system In buffer zone: measures (buried pipelines, communicating vessels, watertight valves…) to reduce social vulnerability and maintenance & conservation costs and increase resilience of the system
  • B2.4 Environmental restoration: eliminate existing crops and implant river habitats of interest in recovered lands (NWRM-N5) B3 Project results’ transfer & replication Knowledge management strategy. Awareness campaigns. Meetings for replicability & transferability at EU level. Recommendations & lessons learnt

B3: Replication transfer of project results


C1 Environmental Resilience to floods (land surface enhanced): hydromorphological state of the river (river defences area optimised, relief channels constructed, meander recovery), Reforestation (surface of restored habitats by native vegetation planting), Nature, species & biodiversity (land area of alien species eliminated, improvement areas), Replication & transferability

C2 Socio-Economic Participation in D2: economic analysis considering the impact on stakeholders and repairs and compensations costs


D1 Dissemination & Communication:

D2 Participation & Capacitation: set up A2 plans


E1 Project management: follow-up, monitoring project progress, manage admin. & financial aspects, communication with EC and after-LIFE plan

With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community LIFE20 ENV/ES/000327