Upcoming Events

Informative Days

Participatory Workshops

Participation and LIFE capabilities

Why and how to participate: Join us in flood risk mitigation!

Ebro Resilience attaches great importance to public participation, as it allows:

  • Inform the population affected by the flood risk about the lines of action and the specific measures proposed in the framework of the project.
  • Improve and agree on the actions to be carried out within the framework of the project, according to the contributions of the inhabitants of the river territory.
  • Capacity building of stakeholders and the general public to reduce their vulnerability to flood risk.

If you want to collaborate in Ebro Resilience, fill in the following form and we will count on you for the participation actions to be carried out.


    E-mail address

    City in which you reside

    Municipality(ies) in which you are affected by flooding

    Collective to which you belong (choose the one that most characterizes you in terms of flood risk management)

    Do you belong to or collaborate with any entity, network or social platform related to flood risk?
    Indicate which one:
    How would you like to participate?