Informative actions

The objective of the informative actions is to inform stakeholders and the general public about the different actions of the project, promoting their subsequent involvement.

They are carried out at different times depending on the needs that arise during project implementation.

The informative actions carried out and planned are as follows:

1. Informative materials.

Mochila y folletos de participación y fortalecimiento de capacidades sociales

3. Informative visits to intervention areas

Visita al Soto de Tamarigal, Soto de Alfaro (La Rioja)

4. Small informative meetings.

  • Parliamentary visit from the Government of Navarra. 29/03/2022
  • Informative meetings with Navarre city councils. 20/06/2022, 03/05/2023, 07/08/2023.
  • Meetings with educational centers in the two zones to present the project, to share the suitcases and the didactic units.