Participation actions

1.Co-creation groups

These are small groups for deliberation and joint creation of actions of the project partners with the stakeholders of the territory. Its objective is to participate in the design of interventions, make proposals for improvement, facilitate the execution of works, propose new similar interventions and other flood risk management measures.

Between September and November 2022, the co-creation groups Adaptation and Mitigation, Nature and Biodiversity, and Participation and Capacity Building of the two intervention sections in Alfaro (La Rioja) – Castejón (Navarra) and Osera de Ebro – Fuentes de Ebro (Aragón) were formed. Since then, regular meetings have been scheduled according to the needs of the project.

In the following links you can consult the operating manuals of the different co-creation groups:

2.Local and regional forums

Spaces for deliberation open to the general public.

Forum for future uses of the meander of La Roza (Alfaro)

On May 3, 2023, we held the first of the project’s local forums. We were discussing the future uses of land in the meander of La Roza, which is being recovered as a fluvial space for the Ebro River in Alfaro. For more information about the event, please click here.

Forum on future uses of the meander of El Señorío (Castejón)

On March 6, a conference was held to define the future uses of the meander of El Señorío in Castejón. You can find more information in this link.

Foro usos futuros La Roza
Foro Usos futuros El Señorío

3.Cafés tertulia

We are holding coffee-talks as meeting spaces with stakeholders in small groups in which we provide information about the project and receive concrete proposals. So far we have held the following meetings:

  • Coffee with Esther Aniento, from the digital newspaper Zafarache, from the Ribera Baja del Ebro.
  • Meeting with Paz Argueta, from the Adult Education Center of Fuentes de Ebro.
  • Tertulia with Elisa Plumed, from the Press Association of the Agri-Food Sector.
  • Tertulia with María García de la Fuente, from the Association of Environmental Information Journalists.

If you live or work in the area around the project and you would like us to organize a coffee gathering with your association or group, please contact us at

4.Specific working groups

For the monitoring of LIFE project actions.

5.Virtual deliberative platform

It is under construction and will be used for social diagnosis and reception of proposals.

6.Tracking platform

The platform aims to enable the local population to participate in monitoring the results of the actions implemented. It is conceived as an example of citizen science and will allow sharing images of LIFE project interventions. The photos will be accessible to know the evolution of the same. We encourage you to watch this explanatory video!

Sesión GGCC plataforma seguimiento

The monitoring platform is under construction. On June 7, 2023, we held an online meeting with the members of all the co-creation groups in which proposals were collected about the characteristics of the platform and the location of the monitoring posts.

After the meeting, the project’s technical team made field visits to analyze the proposed locations. You can consult the locations in this document. We are currently in the platform development and pole construction phase.

Visita postes seguimiento zona 2