28 April, 2024
Cartel anunciador de la ruta guiada al Soto de Aguilar en Fuentes de Ebro

Guided tour through the Soto de Aguilar, in Fuentes de Ebro.

On April 28th, an informative guided tour on the Ebro River and the risk of flooding will be organized. During the morning we will go through the meander of Aguilar, in the municipality of Fuentes de Ebro. There, we will see birds, learn about the works to be carried out and some concepts of fluvial dynamics. Sign up.
20 February, 2024
Trabajos de instalación de la tubería de hormigón para el sistema de riegos de la Comunidad Huerta del Ebro, en Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza)

Installing the new pipeline that adapts the irrigation system in Fuentes de Ebro to the risk of flooding.

The laying of the new concrete pipe, with a total length of 2,300 meters in this phase, which moves this infrastructure away from the riverbed in the Huerta del Ebro Irrigation Community, is in progress.
28 April, 2023

Green infrastructures and adaptation measures in a Conference of the Colegio de Caminos

LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 is presented in a new professional forum to explain its proposals and actions. The Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos invited the Project to the conference "Response to extraordinary risks", which was held in Madrid on April 27.