16 April, 2024

Commitment to adaptation in the middle segment: subsidies through NextGeneration Funds in La Rioja,

The Autonomous Communities of the middle stretch of the Ebro, members of the Ebro Resilience Strategy and partners of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project have launched lines of aid for private individuals and local entities, aimed at protection and adaptation to flood risk included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the example being the publication of aid from the Government of La Rioja on April 12.
12 April, 2024

LIFE Ebro Resilience P1: hosts basin organizations from all over Spain to discuss adaptation and public participation

Up to 40 technical colleagues from state and regional river basin organizations have learned first-hand about the Project's ongoing actions and its pioneering proposal for social participation, during the conferences held on April 10 and 11.
21 March, 2024

The relief channel in the meander of La Roza: a riparian corridor with more continuity and diversity for habitats.

The restoration of vegetation that is being carried out with vegetation typical of the Ebro riverbank in this channel, created during the morphological adaptation, gives us the excuse to talk about this type of intervention.
2 February, 2024

Wetlands in the Ebro Resilience territory: La Nava and La Roza, Alfaro (la Rioja)

In 2023, the meando de La Roza has inaugurated a new wetland area integrated in the morphological adaptation carried out through the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project, in addition to the one created in 2020 in La Nava as part of the actions of the Ebro Resilience Strategy.
24 January, 2024

Combined action section: succession of natural measures with global benefit to reduce flood damages.

The LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project integrates its zone 1, between Alfaro, La Rioja and Castejón, Navarra, in the combined section that includes several proposals such as the reconnection of meanders, relief channels, recovery of old river branches and enlargement of the river space
19 January, 2024

Public information on the projects for El Señorío (Navarra) and phase 1 of the Osera de Ebro-Fuentes de Ebro section (Zaragoza)

New advances in key projects of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 for 2024, which is expected to be a busy year in its two tranches. The last step has been the approval of the public information files of the projects of El Señorío (in Castejón, Navarra) and the improvement of flood resilience - phase 1 between Osera de Ebro and Fuentes de Ebro, in Zaragoza.
29 December, 2023

Public conferences and informative sessions: Ebro Resilience actions open to the whole of society

In addition to the stable participation groups that have been running for over a year and the activities for different sectors included in the capacity building plan, the project has launched these months the first actions of assistance and open participation, expanding the public and involvement with the LIFE proposals.
29 December, 2023

2023 LIFE: end of the morphological adaptation in La Roza, start of the adaptation of the irrigable area in Fuentes de Ebro and more social involvement

The actions have made significant progress with the closing of the main interventions in the town of Alfaro, in La Rioja, and the start of actions in section 2 of the project, in the province of Zaragoza.