21 June, 2024

4.6 million euros for the Ebro Resilience Strategy

River restoration projects approved for sections 7 Alcalá de Ebro, Remolinos and Luceni and 9 Torres de Berrellén and Sobradiel. The Official Gazette of Aragon has announced the approval of the projects of “River restoration and habitat improvement in sections […]
18 April, 2024
Reunión en Alcalá de Ebro

Informative meetings to present the river restoration projects for two stretches of the Ebro river

The actions, within the framework of the Ebro Resilience Strategy, will have an investment of 4.6 million euros. The Aragonese Water Institute (IAA) has held a round of meetings open to the public to present the river restoration projects for […]
12 April, 2024
Foto de grupo con bandera LIFE visita Organismos de cuenca de toda España al meandro de La Roza, Alfaro.

LIFE Ebro Resilience P1: hosts basin organizations from all over Spain to discuss adaptation and public participation

Up to 40 technical colleagues from state and regional river basin organizations have learned first-hand about the Project's ongoing actions and its pioneering proposal for social participation, during the conferences held on April 10 and 11.
9 April, 2024

Public Information on the Alcalá-Remolinos-Luceni and Torres de Berrellén-Sobradiel projects.

The Government of Aragon, through the Aragonese Water Institute, has submitted these two projects for flood risk reduction, which together have a budget of 4.6 million euros.
27 March, 2024

Drafting of construction projects for eleven sections of the Ebro Resilience Strategy.

The Ebro Resilience Strategy launches the bidding process for four consulting contracts for the drafting of the construction projects of sections 3A, 3B, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12B, 15 and 16. The Ebro Resilience Strategy is developing a […]
13 March, 2024
Meandro de la roza con máximos caudales registrados en el episodio de crecidas (unos 2.000 m3/s) en el tramo medio.

Ebro Resilience Interventions: a review in images of the last flooding of the river

The last week of February has seen a flood of flows in the middle stretch of the Ebro due to the rains recorded in the Ebro basin, an episode at the limit of what is considered extraordinary that leaves us these images of the response of the Ebro Resilience intervention typologies in this stretch
19 December, 2023
Plantaciones en El Estajao. Alfaro. La Rioja

The second phase of planting in “El Estajao” (Alfaro), the final stretch of the environmental restoration work

The first planting phase carried out last February has already shown its effectiveness in flood events. A total of 21,100 specimens will be reached between the two phases, which apply techniques that mimic the natural distribution of riparian vegetation.
12 December, 2023
Visor cartográfico de la Red Nacional Rural

LIFE Ebro Resilience P1, included in the viewer of good practices in rural areas

The Project is one of the actions included in this new tool of the National Rural Network of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food because of its scope of action and because it is innovative, transferable to other areas and contributes to the improvement of work.
11 December, 2023
Técnica de reconexión de brazo antiguo de río Ebro

New: follow-up studies on the technique for the recovery of old river branches

The Ebro Hydrographic Confederation has published two studies that increase the knowledge on the evolution of areas where old branches of the river have been recovered, one of the actions included in the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 works.