26 July, 2023

Ebro Resilience environmental actions: permeabilization of the Pina Dam, Ebro River (Zaragoza).

In addition to reducing the risk of flooding in the middle stretch of the Ebro, the Strategy aims to improve the ecological status of the intervention sections, such as this intervention, which will maintain the use of the infrastructure by improving the longitudinal continuity of the river.
17 July, 2023

Phase 1 of the environmental restoration of the Ebro river in “El Ortigoso”, Milagro (Navarra) is completed.

The works have had a budget of 1,432,467 € and 6.4 hectares of river space have been recovered with plantations of native riverside species, reaching 12,000 specimens.
12 July, 2023
Portada de la guía de adaptación de explotaciones ganaderas

Navarra Government announces subsidies for adaptation to flood risk in the Ebro Basin

The Government of Navarra, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), has called for grants for actions to adapt to the risk of flooding of buildings, equipment and facilities or existing farms in the Ebro Basin.
23 June, 2023

LIFE Ebro Resilience P1: the Ebro basin, intervention model in RestauraRíos

The actions planned for the river and the proposals for participation and capacity building have passed through the plenary and parallel sessions of the IV Iberian Congress on River Restoration, the most important event on river restoration in Spain and Portugal.
19 May, 2023

LIFE news: intervention in La Roza increases the Natura Network protected area in the Ebro

We celebrate the European Day of the Natura 2000 Network. The land reclaimed for the river, a total of 22 hectares, has been incorporated into the Natura 2000 Network "ZEC Sotos y Riberas del Ebro" through Decree 46/2022 of August 17 of the Government of La Rioja.
16 May, 2023

Ebro Resilience experiences will be presented at the IV Iberian Congress on River Restoration

Through scientific communications and case studies in the plenary of the congress, posters on specific actions and presence in spaces for reflection, the innovative approach to flood risk reduction will have a special role in this event, next June, in Toledo.
10 May, 2023

Aragon calls for subsidies for the acquisition of plots of land affected by floods

The objective is to convert flood-prone land through actions compatible with the Ebro Resilience Strategy or to carry out flood risk management interventions to mitigate the effects of major floods.
4 May, 2023

Proposals from the territory: new ways of participation on the La Roza meander

We held the open forum on future recreational uses on the land of this meander recovered as a space for the river with the participation of new stakeholders in the adaptation measures and natural spaces.
28 April, 2023

Green infrastructures and adaptation measures in a Conference of the Colegio de Caminos

LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 is presented in a new professional forum to explain its proposals and actions. The Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos invited the Project to the conference "Response to extraordinary risks", which was held in Madrid on April 27.