5 July, 2024

Reducing future maintenance of interventions: La Roza meander relief channel

A herbaceous cover crop, alfalfa, will be planted next winter, which will prevent tree growth and maintain the water path, reducing the need for human intervention.
21 March, 2024
Vista del meandro y del cauce de alivio de La Roza, Alfaro, La Rioja

The relief channel in the meander of La Roza: a riparian corridor with more continuity and diversity for habitats.

The restoration of vegetation that is being carried out with vegetation typical of the Ebro riverbank in this channel, created during the morphological adaptation, gives us the excuse to talk about this type of intervention.
9 February, 2024
Plantación realizada durante la restauración ambeintal

La Roza environmental restoration underway, last step to complete the LIFE intervention in this meander

- These works are being carried out by the Government of La Rioja and will involve the planting of more than 4,600 specimens of riparian species imitating the natural growth of riparian vegetation.
24 January, 2024
Plano del tramo combinado de actuaciones del Proyecto LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 entre Alfaro (La Rioja) y Castejón (Navarra). Sucesión de medidas naturales de evacuación de agua.

Combined action section: succession of natural measures with global benefit to reduce flood damages.

The LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project integrates its zone 1, between Alfaro, La Rioja and Castejón, Navarra, in the combined section that includes several proposals such as the reconnection of meanders, relief channels, recovery of old river branches and enlargement of the river space
17 November, 2023
Trabajos con maquinaria en el meandro de La Roza, en Alfaro, La Rioja

Concludes the morphological adaptation of the Ebro in the meander of La Roza

After a year of work, this phase of the intervention in Alfaro (La Rioja) by the CHE has concluded and all that remains is the river restoration to be carried out by the Government of La Rioja.