28 November, 2024

The second phase of the adaptation of the irrigation infrastructure in Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza) begins.

The work on the new underground pipeline, far from the bed of the Huerta del Ebro Irrigation Community (Zaragoza), is focused on the last kilometer of the infrastructure and is being carried out on dates that do not interfere with the irrigation campaign.
7 November, 2024

LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 reaches its halfway point: working in all project areas; focusing on coordination and participatory actions.

The balance of this project to reduce the effects of flooding in the middle stretch of the Ebro, brings together representatives of the institutions and sectors interested in the riverbank that have been actively participating since its inception.
7 November, 2024

Start of works to improve flood resilience in the Osera de Ebro – Fuentes de Ebro section (Zaragoza)

LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 reaches another milestone with the start of work on Phase 1 of the morphological adaptation and river recovery of the Mejana del Conde and the meander of Aguilar, one of the three interventions planned in Zone 2 of the project, which includes the Aragonese section.
31 October, 2024

First works for the environmental restoration of the Ebro in the meander of El Señorío (Castejón, Navarra).

Phase 1 of the renaturation of this area, integrated in the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project, has started and is focused, for the moment, on the left bank of the river with the objective of recovering the connection between the riparian forests and the riverside.
16 October, 2024

Navarre farmers and municipal representatives learn about Ebro Resilience experiences in Aragon

In October, the Government of Navarra, through GAN-NIK and together with the CHE, organized two conferences to inform municipal representatives and farmers of the region about the Ebro Resilience interventions in Aragón to adapt agricultural areas to floods and to assess the value of reproducing them.
3 October, 2024

Representatives of Navarre municipalities visit Ebro Resilience actions in Aragón to adapt to floods

The Government of Navarra, together with GAN-NIK and the CHE, partners of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project, have organized two workshops, one already held with municipal representatives and another to be held in the future with farmers, to learn about the functioning of flood areas in agricultural areas and to assess their replication.