6 May, 2024
Adecuación morfológica y restauración ambiental en paraje de El Estajao

Completion of the morphological adaptation and environmental restoration works on the Ebro river as it passes through the El Estajao site in Alfaro (La Rioja)

The actions, within the framework of the Ebro Resilience Strategy, have involved an investment of over 2 million euros. The works of morphological adaptation and environmental restoration of the Ebro river in the “El Estajao” site, located in Alfaro (La […]
1 May, 2024
Descenso interpretativo desde Ortigoso a El Señorío en la jornada de intercambio con LIFE Kantauribai

Interpretative descents on the Ebro: more knowledge about the river and the Resilience actions

- This April, one of the most attractive lines of actions for strengthening social capacities and increasing knowledge about the river was launched. Journalism students from the faculties of Aragon, high school students from Alfaro and Castejón or technicians from other projects have already made interpretative descents with us.
29 April, 2024
Ruta guiada por el meandro de Aguikar

Enjoying the river and learning about floods: large turnout at the Aguilar meander route

On April 28, Fuenteros and neighbors from nearby towns enjoyed a walk along the meander of Aguilar, in the Ebro river in Fuentes, in an informative and recreational day organized by the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project.
28 April, 2024
Cartel anunciador de la ruta guiada al Soto de Aguilar en Fuentes de Ebro

Guided tour through the Soto de Aguilar, in Fuentes de Ebro.

On April 28th, an informative guided tour on the Ebro River and the risk of flooding will be organized. During the morning we will go through the meander of Aguilar, in the municipality of Fuentes de Ebro. There, we will see birds, learn about the works to be carried out and some concepts of fluvial dynamics. Sign up.
16 April, 2024
Adecuación morfológica en el río Ebro en el meandro de La Roza, Alfaro (La Rioja)

Commitment to adaptation in the middle segment: subsidies through NextGeneration Funds in La Rioja,

The Autonomous Communities of the middle stretch of the Ebro, members of the Ebro Resilience Strategy and partners of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project have launched lines of aid for private individuals and local entities, aimed at protection and adaptation to flood risk included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the example being the publication of aid from the Government of La Rioja on April 12.
15 April, 2024

Informative sessions of the Government of Navarre on subsidies for adaptation to flood risks

On April 30 and May 2 and 3, the Directorate General for the Environment of Navarra will resolve doubts about the two calls for subsidies addressed to local entities for actions for protection and adaptation to flood risk, both with NextGeneration funds and one of them focused on the municipalities within the scope of the Ebro Resilience Strategy.
12 April, 2024
Foto de grupo con bandera LIFE visita Organismos de cuenca de toda España al meandro de La Roza, Alfaro.

LIFE Ebro Resilience P1: hosts basin organizations from all over Spain to discuss adaptation and public participation

Up to 40 technical colleagues from state and regional river basin organizations have learned first-hand about the Project's ongoing actions and its pioneering proposal for social participation, during the conferences held on April 10 and 11.
21 March, 2024
Vista del meandro y del cauce de alivio de La Roza, Alfaro, La Rioja

The relief channel in the meander of La Roza: a riparian corridor with more continuity and diversity for habitats.

The restoration of vegetation that is being carried out with vegetation typical of the Ebro riverbank in this channel, created during the morphological adaptation, gives us the excuse to talk about this type of intervention.
13 March, 2024
Meandro de la roza con máximos caudales registrados en el episodio de crecidas (unos 2.000 m3/s) en el tramo medio.

Ebro Resilience Interventions: a review in images of the last flooding of the river

The last week of February has seen a flood of flows in the middle stretch of the Ebro due to the rains recorded in the Ebro basin, an episode at the limit of what is considered extraordinary that leaves us these images of the response of the Ebro Resilience intervention typologies in this stretch