LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Videos

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Presentation of LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project

Presentation What is the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project?

The main objective of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project is to increase resilience and contribute to flood risk prevention in the middle reaches of the Ebro river.

In this video we tell you about all the actions of this project that counts with the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union.

What is LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project?

The main objective of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project is to increase resilience and contribute to flood risk prevention in the middle zone of the Ebro riverbed.

In this video we tell you all the actions of this project that counts with the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union.

LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 action areas


River restoration through participation: the Soto de Alfaro (La Rioja)

The reopening of abandoned river branches has been the key to the reconnection of the Soto de Alfaro (La Rioja) with the Ebro River.

In this video what we know is the previous situation of the space and we do it through one of the dissemination and informative actions carried out with the Ebro Resilience co-creation groups, one of the continuous participation forums of the Project.

Meandro de La Roza, Alfaro, one year later. A renaturalized space after its morphological adaptation.

One year after completing the morphological adaptation of the meander of La Roza, in Alfaro, La Rioja (executed by the Hydrographic Confederation of the Ebro), and almost completed all the planting phases of the environmental restoration (carried out by the Government of La Rioja), we see how nature is doing its work, recovering its space.

Morphological adaptation and environmental restoration of the Ebro in the meander of La Roza, Alfaro (La Rioja).

Learn about the morphological adaptation and environmental restoration project in La Roza, Alfaro (La Rioja). It is part of the “Combined Tranche of Actions” of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project, which, with the contribution of the European Union’s LIFE financial instrument, seeks to reduce the risk of flooding and landslides.n two areas of the middle Ebro.

What is the combined section of actions between Alfaro (La Rioja) and Castejón (Navarra)?

Between Alfaro (La Rioja) and Castejón (Navarra) the intervention involves an improvement in the flood risk thanks to the combination of actions in the meanders of this section. This is the demonstration part of the Project. The Combined Section of Actions between Alfaro, in La Rioja, and Castejón, in Navarra, consists of a succession of natural water retention measures. Specifically, reconnection of meanders, relief channels, the curage technique and the recovery of river space as flood plains.


Presentation day of the Social Capacity Building Plan

Social capabilities, improved knowledge, motivation and involvement of people in participatory projects are key to generate tools for self-protection against floods and to carry out general actions to reduce the risk and damage caused by floods.

For this reason, we presented our Social Capacity Building Plan (last 02/15/2023) in an online format that you can retrieve in this video.

LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project Participation Plan presentation day

The LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project has a Participation Plan, one of the pillars of its actions to make the middle stretch of the Ebro River more resilient to floods, reducing the damage caused by floods, improving the ecological state of the river and local biodiversity.

This Plan was presented at an online public meeting on October 19, 2022, a recording of which is available here to learn about all the ways for effective participation.


Ebro VBlog Citizen Participation and Science: involvement of the population in the monitoring of actions

The LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project includes a virtual platform for monitoring the actions.
A tool that will allow all interested parties to share images of LIFE interventions.

The photos will be accessible to know the evolution of the same.
An example of citizen science. What is all this?

Ebro VBlog What is the LIFE program?

Learn about the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project to reduce the risk of flooding in the middle stretch of the Ebro and do it with us and our Video-Blog.

We talked about the LIFE program of the European Union. What is it? How to access the calls? How did Ebro Resilience reach this program? Eva Zaragüeta, who is part of the technical group of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project through the public company Gestión Ambiental de Navarra (GAN-NIK), tells us.

Disclosure pills

Typologies of intervention: the example of the Mejana de la Cruz, in Alagón, Zaragoza

Adaptation to flooding: one of the innovative proposals of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project is the adaptation of agricultural areas by applying the concept of pre-flooding through lateral flow buffer zones.

In the Ebro River there are some punctual examples that were implemented after the extraordinary flood episodes of 2015 and 2018. This is the case of the Mejana de la Cruz estate, in Alagón (Zaragoza), where that lateral flow area, which fills up slowly and without so many affectations, worked like this, as explained in this video during the February flood.

Recovery of the fluvial space: recessing of the dykes

The images taken from PHASE 1 of the morphological adaptation of the Ebro River in the Ortigoso area, in the town of Milagro, in Navarra, show visually what a recessing of the riverbed is: demolition of defenses close to the riverbed and reconstruction of new ones further away, widening the natural flood plain, thus reducing flood damage.

In the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project, between its two sections of intervention, 10% of river space is recovered, with the elimination of 1.8 km of motes and the recessing of another 3.9 km.

Completion of the morphological adaptation phase of the Ebro river in La Roza, Alfaro (La Rioja)

After a year of work, this phase of the intervention in Alfaro (La Rioja) by the CHE will conclude in November 2023 and all that remains is the river restoration to be carried out by the Government of La Rioja.

Technology to reduce flood risk: hydraulic modeling

To analyze the flood episodes in the middle reach, we use hydraulic models, a computer tool that reproduces the effects of floods and provides the height and velocity that they will reach in each reach.

Technology to reduce flood risk: our detailed studies

The Ebro Resilience strategy and the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project, which is part of it, include the preparation of studies of each section applying the latest available technologies to assess the situation of each area.
1⃣ Data collection: preparation of a digital terrain model.
2⃣ Hydraulic model: analysis of flooding episodes.
3⃣ Results: Study of different action alternatives, individually and in combination.
In this short video, Manuel Cayuela tells us about the data collection phase.

Intervention sections: what action is planned for the Osera de Ebro-Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza) section?

The LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project includes two sections of intervention, section 1 between Alfaro (La Rioja) – Castejón (Navarra) and section 2 between the towns of Osera de Ebro and Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza).

In this area, the potential for river restoration is very limited and therefore, adaptation measures are proposed.

Rivers modify the landscape: evolution of the El Señorío meander since 1930

The LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project has used cartographic tools for the study of flood risk intervention alternatives that allow us to know the evolution of the landscape in the stretches. Here you can see the evolution since 1930 of the meander of El Señorío, in Castejón, Navarra, one of the areas planned for intervention in the Alfaro (La Rioja) – Castejón section.

Typologies of intervention to reduce flood risk: the curage

Curage is the waterproofing of large masses of vegetated sediments. Reopening of old branches to reconnect the groves with the river, improving the flow of water.

They have already been carried out in different parts of La Rioja, Navarra and Aragón and are included in actions of both the Ebro Resilience Strategy and the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 Project.

World Water Day 2023 “Be the change you want to see in the world”.

On the occasion of World Water Day, the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project wanted to recall its actions, which want to be part of this change: adaptation and reduction of flood risk in two sections of the middle Ebro, integrated into an even larger strategy, the Ebro Resilience Strategy.

In this proposal we address the challenge of Climate Change with participation and coordination.

Why we recover the river space

Why are we working in the Ebro Resilience Strategy to recover the fluvial space in different areas of the middle stretch of the Ebro? The actions to set back the defenses that constrict the channel reduce the effects of erosion and overflows in the intervention sections.

Social capacities and flood risk

Social capacity building, i.e., providing the local population with tools, can reduce vulnerability and thus flood risk. This is how we understand it in the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project and therefore, we have a plan of actions to develop them in the intervention areas. In this pill, Alba Ballester from the Ebro Resilience team tells us what are those capabilities that are related to flood risk.

LIFE Lexicon: what is a meander?

An informative pill about river meanders, their formation and basic characteristics. Meanders are not stable over time, they may change shape, disappear or new ones may appear. Dissemination is one of the objectives of the LIFE Ebro Resilience P1 project through social capacity building actions.